Wade Stockton Rediger – 2 months

we had gone to church together for a couple of years but had never really talked. in fact, i don’t know that we could even say that we were acquaintances. we simply went to the same church. that all changed, however, when our pastor asked us both to accompany him to Hannah’s House once a month for an evening service he would be leading. she, her husband, our pastor, and i would car pool together one friday every month and in that one friday a month we formed a friendship that is so dear to my heart. i would talk to her about my crush (now my hubby, holla!) and she would talk about how crazy work was and the next getaway she and her husband were planning. i cherished those car rides and looked forward to them every month.

when i found out Jered & Myranda was pregnant my heart smiled so incredibly big! this had been the desire of their heart for years and when little Wade was born i couldn’t wait to meet him! so when Myranda contacted me to take some photos of her little miracle man i was thrilled! i hung out with mommy and baby this past weekend and while little Wade wasn’t a fan of mommy setting him down we just went with it. he loves his mommy and it was precious.

Myranda, you are an amazing woman and an incredible mom! Hope you enjoy your photos. XOXO

we had no idea

one of the great things about moving to a different state is going through old boxes. in an attempt to organize my life i found myself on our living room floor one evening with my bin of scrapbooking stuff sprawled out everywhere (yes, I have a massive scrapbooking bin… no i have never actually scrapbooked. truth.). i found random pictures through the bin, from moments i wanted to remember, to moments im now grateful i didnt waste time scrapbooking. in the midst of all the randomness i found her photo. it was from her senior year of high school and on the back she had written me a little note. after reading it i quickly snapped a photo of it and sent it her way. she commented on her stellar denim outfit that was oh so stylish her senior year, and then in words that bring tears of joy and gratitude to my eyes, she wrote “i had no idea back then just how much we’d walk through together:)”

i had no idea back then that she would be the one to walking me through my first days as a new follower of Jesus, through the break up of my live in boyfriend, to asking where to start in reading my bible daily.

i had no idea back then that she would be the one that i would go to with my thoughts, concerns and need for accountability in areas i struggled.

i had no idea back then that she would be the one to lead me through one of the most intensely amazing years of my life as i went through lit.

we had no idea back then that i would stand by her side on her wedding day as she commited her life to her best friend.

we had no idea back then that she would giggle and laugh with me as i told her about my crush on my hubby.

we had no idea back then that she would be the one i would go to for strength and encouragement as i endured 4 longs months of Chris being deployed.

we had no idea back then that she would stand by my side on my wedding day as i commited my life to my best friend.

and i had no ideaback then that 11 years later i would have the amazing opportunity to photograph her newborn and her growing family.

rachel, there are hardly words to describe the amazing influence you have had in my life. you are an amazing woman and i am so blessed to have been able to do life by your side. you and isaac make the most beautiful couple and little miss phoebe annalise attests to that:) i love you both!

Miles Jackson – 2 months

We had the opportunity to go down to Oregon last weekend to visit our family and fortunately for us my sister and our nephew were up from California during that same time. The weekend seemed to fly by and I never feel like I have as much time with my family as I would like but I cherish every moment we do get to be together and am so grateful that our schedules worked out the way that they did. While Chris was getting our stuff together and loaded up on our last morning there I snapped a couple of photos of my handsome nephew. His 2 month birthday was yesterday and I can’t believe how big he is getting!

Miles Kevin

December 12, 2011. we waited impatiently outside her hospital room, the entire family lining the halls, laughing and talking to pass the time. we waited impatiently and then it came, the cry of the newest addition to our family, Miles Kevin Jackson. we rushed in as soon as the doctor gave us the ok and he was perfect in every way. my sister, beaming with the unconditional love that only a mother can know, sat there, enamored by the miracle of her child while my brother-in-law graciously accepted all of the congratulations. it was raw, and it was perfect. those moments in life that leave an imprint on your heart, those moments that you know you will remember for the rest of your life. and in that moment i was so grateful for the amazing family God had given to me.

you see, a sister was my hearts desire when i was little and when God blessed me with two loving, caring, kind, compassionate sisters i knew that He obviously thinks much bigger than i do. and as our family continues to grow i feel beyond blessed that it is with sisters like mine by my side.

a week later i had the incredible honor to photograph my favorite little nephew. i can’t believe it’s been almost 2 months since he came into our lives and being 2 states away from him, while it makes aunties heart sad, makes every moment that we are together so much more special. and i am so glad i have these to look at until i see him again.

lin, i love you to pieces and am so incredibly overjoyed for you and your family. thank you for the honor of taking your son’s photos.